Telepathy - Missing Secret Revealed
How can you become telepathic? - can you learn telepathy
Telepathy is the direct transference of thought and/or feelings from one person to another person without using the normal five physical senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell.
It is the ability to communicate on another level rather than using speech - You communicate using only the power of your mind.
This is the way other species communicate with each other. It has been proved in numerous studies that animals communicate among themselves using telepathy, sometimes over great distances.

Many people, such as animal trainers, regularly communicate with their animals, particularly more intelligent animals like dolphins and horses, using telepathic means.
And there are still primitive tribes around today who have developed telepathy and have retained the ability to communicate among themselves entirely by the power of 'thought' alone.
But sadly, for the majority of humans, historically over a long period of time, our natural ability has gradually become 'lost' for whatever reasons, which is why humans developed speech.
But telepathy should really be as natural to us as breathing, and the power has never really gone away. We all have the ability to communicate entirely by the power of our minds, and with the right guidance and training this ability can be 're-learnt'. It is not that difficult to develop telepathy.
Today more and more people around the world are opening their minds and rediscovering this wonderful natural ability.
Telepathy really is not as difficult to 're-learn' as you might imagine - the main stumbling block is lack of belief that it is possible. However with the latest advances in quantum physics more and more studies are showing and explaining the very real science behind telepathy.
It is becoming easier for people to accept that telepathic communication is not only a remote possibility, but is a fact beyond doubt. - And anyone can be successful at it!
And with a greater understanding of the science behind telepathy, there have been great advances in the form of audio technology which allows you to start developing and experiencing telepathy for yourself in just a fraction of the time it would take you normally.