General Insights On Remote Viewing


Remote viewing can be described as a structured discipline. It utilizes the unconscious mind in gaining knowledge on targets which cannot be accessed. The targets can be things, people, places and events which are past, current or yet to come. Do not confuse it with astral travelling. The session usually begins with a question that defines whatever data you seek. This question might involve anything from an unfortunate catastrophe yet to occur or simply finding your misplaced watch. Sometime back remote viewing was associated with the armed forces, however today it’s classified as a scientific mind study which assists in data collection. The levels of accurate projections which are realized from remote viewing today are unbelievable.

How Is Remote Viewing Applied?

Using the laid out protocol, your unconscious mind is trained to extract a sequence of data from a specific target. As you note whatever data you obtain, a certain connection is achieved with the target that provides more detailed information. Later on the information is expressed through drawings and sketches. In the remote viewing theory, the entire universal existence is just one big information pattern within your subconscious mind. At times it’s referred to as a matrix. Remote viewing allows you to merge with this pattern and extract certain threads into your consciousness. Sometimes remote viewing can be likened to quantum physics as it heavily challenges our understanding. Nevertheless those who undergo this form of training achieve their targets with high levels of accuracy.

Methods of Remote Viewing

Two main methods stand out during remote viewing.

  1. Extended Remote Viewing (ERV)

Here the remote viewer engages with a partner. They both lay down in a dark room and shift their minds into theta mode. Once in this state they describe to their partner what they visualize from focusing on the target. The partner is tasked with noting down everything. He can also relay questions. On completion of the ERV session he viewer is to write down anything left out while in session.

  1. Controlled Remote Viewing

It has a lot to do with writing and sketching down information obtained through vigorous protocols. During the CRV the viewer should be fully alert. There are about six concurrent stages on which CRV is built upon. By going through them your scope of view expands.

Remote Viewing Test

Anyone can test their remote viewing capabilities by looking into places, people and things which are highly familiar so you can later on confirm your results. Before carrying out the review test set your mind into a trance-like state where communication with your sub-consciousness is possible. To achieve this you must go into a total state of relaxation. Try to imagine a highly familiar location such as your workplace or the kitchen. Scour for anything which might be out of place such as unwashed dishes or an unemptied dustbin. Call the residence or office which you just pictured and inquire if any of the items you just identified were where you imagined them to be. This is a simple way of testing of your remote views are accurate enough.