The Idea Of Cosmic Ordering Has Become Hugely Popular Over The Last Few Years - And No Wonder!
With a number of celebrities publicly endorsing it and saying they owe much of their success to having used 'Cosmic Ordering' it really is not surprising that everyone is desperate for a piece of the action!
What exactly can you order? Anything you can possibly imagine!
- Order as much money as you can handle
- Buy a top of the range car
- A new house - even a mansion!
- New designer label clothes
- Exotic holidays - or a second home abroad!
- A new partner
- New Friends
- Good health
- Absolutely Anything!
Can you imagine how fantastic it would be if cosmic ordering really was as easy for everyone as some people say it is?
Just put in your order to the universe and it is yours.
Just wait a short while and it will appear
But not everyone has been successful.
- So why does it not work for everyone? Why do some people attempt cosmic ordering yet their order never arrives?
Have they done something wrong? Is there some kind of secret?
No, they have not done anything wrong, but yes, there is a 'secret' to making it work.
And more and more people are understanding 'The Secret.'
That it is your own mind that is really responsible for what you are experiencing now.
That is what Cosmic Ordering is about
Latest advances in quantum physics have proved beyond doubt what the ancient religions have been saying for thousands of years, that reality is a product of your mind, and if you change the way you think, you can change your reality.
The law of attraction is a fact, and you really do attract the same energies that you put out, but are you putting out the right energies?
If you think about success and abundance you will receive it. If you think about your lack of success and financial problems then you will receive more of the same.
The role of the subconscious mind is to keep everything in the body working well, and in the same constant state all the time. This is known scientifically as 'Homeostasis'.
And so, because for years your subconscious mind has been used to you not getting what you want or deserve, then that is what it perceives as being 'normal'.
If you have only ever had poverty and disappointment in your life, then that is the state your subconscious mind tries to keep you in.
So as soon as you try using Cosmic Ordering, your subconscious mind works against it and starts to say things like 'you don't deserve it' or, 'you don't really need that' - anything to take your focus away from believing and knowing that you deserve more, and so it prevents you from receiving what you want and living your dreams.
But you truly can change everything and anything about yourself starting today!
When you use cosmic ordering, you are telling the universe which direction you want your life to go, but if this is too much of a change from the way things are at the moment then your subconscious mind acts against it.
By reprogramming your subconscious mind, it has been scientifically proved that you will be able to get whatever you want and achieve whatever you desire out of life.
Once your subconscious mind realises that it is okay for things to change then cosmic ordering will work for you and you will start to receive everything you desire.
To get you started and to help you understand everything about Cosmic Ordering, we give you FREE six outstanding eBooks!