Chakra Points – The Process
Chakra Meditation, essentially, involves three steps or techniques.
*Grounding Technique, which aims at making the body feel connected with Earth. You just need to visualize a root growing from your body and entering into the Earth. This requires intense focus and mental presence during the act of visualization.
*Centering Technique, which aims at preparing your body to receive the benefits of Chakra Meditation. Just take three to five deep breaths and visualize relaxation of every body part from toe to crown. In simple words, just tighten and relax each body part from toe to the crown, and then visualize the act of centering a pot on a pottery wheel.
*Relaxation Technique, which is the final step in Chakra Meditation. There is no hard and fast rule to relax your body. Everyone has his or her own method of relaxation.
Here is a simple method of healing Chakras In Human Body
*Sit or lie down comfortably.
*Close your eyes and loosen your clothing. The idea is to be in a natural state without any kind of artificial compulsion on the body and mind.
*Take relaxing breaths – neither too fast nor too slow. Just give up your control on the breath, and let it flow naturally.
*Feel every part of your body from toe to the crown in that direction. Feel the earth you are lying on or the sofa you are seated on, feel the clothes you are wearing. Feel completely present with yourself and relaxed.
*You may experience a wave of thoughts, fears, and every kind of emotion during this process. Don’t avoid them! This represents the release of stress-related thoughts. With practice and regular exercise, these negative emotions and feelings will disappear.
*Feel every subtle inner detail and let your awareness travel freely from one body part to the other.
This exercise can be done at any time of the day and for any duration of time. However, the longer the better!
Open Chakra - Balance Your Chakras In Human Body And Feel Great!
There are seven chakras in the human body which are placed in a vertical manner from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. The chakras are the energy meridians or in other words the centers from where energy is transmitted and received in our body. So, their states are the determining factor of our physical, psychological, mental and spiritual health. The term open chakras refer to the condition of the chakras when all blockages are removed from them and the chakras are in a balanced state which therefore results in a healthy individual.
To open chakra at each level, a certain method for meditation needs to be followed and unleash the energy within it. For opening the Muladhar or Base chakra, meditation is started by visualizing the symbol for this chakra which is a red lotus with four petals. This is located at the base of your spine or to put in simple terms the area in between your anus and genitals. You need to join the index finger as well as the thumb and start saying the Sanskrit word ‘LAM’. Here, you need to keep in mind that the letter ‘a’ and ‘m’ needs to be pronounced as ‘aah’ and ‘mng’ respectively, with a slight vibration.
Swadhisthana or the Sacral chakra is opened by placing your hands on the lap. The palms should face upwards and the right hand should be on top of the left one. Make sure the hands are placed in such a way that the tips of the thumbs of both hands touch each other. Do visualize the symbol for this chakra, the orange lotus with six petals, at the sacral part of our body. To open chakra start meditating taking in deep breaths and uttering the Sanskrit word ‘VAM’.
The Manipura chakra or the Solar plexus chakra is opened by following the below mentioned method. Visualize the symbol which is the lotus with ten petals that is yellow in color and as the name suggests placed at the solar plexus region of the body. Now, join the hands and keep your finger tips joined with just your thumbs crossing each other, the fingers needs to point straight and away from you. Now, to open chakra gradually breath in and out chanting the word ‘RAM’.
To open the central powerhouse of the Anahata chakra or the chakra of the heart, the foremost condition to satisfy is belief in the power of forgiveness and unconditional love. Now, to open chakra sit in crossed legged position on the ground keeping your left hand on your left knee and join the tip of the of the thumb and the index finger of the right hand, pointing it inwards and keeping it in touch condition with the area around or where your heart is. Now, visualize the green lotus with twelve petals located at the heart region and meditate deeply using the word ‘YAM’.
The fifth chakra which is the chakra of the throat or the Vishuddha chakra is opened by using the word ‘HAM’ that helps to open and balance the chakra of self expression. Visualize the blue lotus with sixteen petals placed at the region of the throat to open chakra, join the tips of the thumbs of both hands and keep the remaining fingers towards the inside of the hand.
To open chakra of the third eye, the most vital of the seven chakra of Ajna located in between the eyebrows, get both your hands in front of the chest and join the tips of the middle fingers and keep it pointed upwards. Bend all other fingers and keep it towards the inside with the index fingers joined at the phalanges and join the tips of the thumbs and keep it pointed downwards. For this chakra you need to visualize the indigo lotus with two petals that is placed at the center of the forehead, and chant the word ‘AUM’ the strongest sound of the universe.
Finally, it is time to open chakra of Sahasrara which will help to attain the ultimate spiritual enlightenment. Start by visualizing the vivid, violet lotus with thousand petals at the crown of your head. You need to bring your hands in front of your stomach and cross the fingers of both the hands with each other. Place the left thumb over the right one and then raise the ring fingers and join their tips and make it point upwards. Now use the Sanskrit word ‘NG’ in such a way so that it vibrates across your complete chakra system. Here, it is worth mentioning that go for opening this chakra only when your base chakra is open and is very strong.
How To Balance The Chakra System - Learn The Different Ways
In order to achieve perfect harmony and a well balanced working body chakras, it is essential that our 7 chakras should also be well balanced. There are 108 chakras in our system; seven of these are main ones. These seven chakras are positioned along the spinal base till the crown of our head. The energy flow needs to natural in these chakras. It is also essential that these chakras are opened for flow of energy to take place.
Chakra is a word picked from Sanskrit language which essentially means the wheel. The chakras positioned on our body are as specific locations on the body and not objects. Each chakra has its own individual color associated with it along with different emotions and thoughts attached to them.
We can make use of different methods to balance our chakras. With well balance chakras good health is promoted in the body due to the fact that there is maximum flow of energy in our body. Color healing, paying a visit to a trained energy practitioner to assist in tuning of the chakra and use of crystals are just a few ways to balance our chakras.
With the support of a Body Chakras recording, our chakras can attain balance at home as well. This method is thought to be the most effectual and easiest to use. Keeping focus for long may be slightly difficult for those who are not used to it. These require visualization of the chakras and their energy flow. With the help of beats such as binaural beats, isochronic tones and monaural beats, this has become simpler.
Additionally food intake should also be looked at. There can be an imbalance in the chakras if food intake is improper. The surrounding environment should be neat and clean. Remove all the clutter in your room, office and house. These are also a must to ensure our chakras are well balanced.
Spiritual Healing
Balancing of heart chakra can achieved with the aid of rhythm which helps in attaining accord. The pulses of our heart may vary like they may augment in speed or slow down or often entrain with the pulses of the drum rhythm till the time perfect harmonization is achieved. Belly dancing, a hula hoop, pelvic thrusts are some other things that can be attempted to achieve balance of the chakras. So try any of the ways detailed above to achieve perfect balance of the chakras.
Balancing of the 7 chakras is essential to achieve peace and harmony in your life. Whether you want to call it chakra balancing or healing of the chakras or chakra cleaning, all of these just functions towards proper chakra functioning. The locked energy in our chakras can be opened by following these things.
If there is an imbalance in our chakra zones, this leads to either physical, emotional, mental disturbances. Hence work towards balancing your chakras to get clear of these blockages and see well balanced chakras. It is imperative that each chakra should function properly as all the chakras are associated with an individual function.
Chakra Zones
There are seven colors of Chakra that are associated with our body. Those seven colors are Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red. All these Chakra colors refer to some parts of the body. Violet refers to crown, Indigo refers to third eye, Blue refers to throat, Green refers to heart, Yellow refers to solar plexus, Orange refers to sacral and Red to base.
Learn Chakra System Healing
One can attain huge benefit by using the technique, learn chakra healing. Using the different levels of frequencies one would be able to improve the state of the mind. This frequencies are found to be available recorded in CDs. One can hear them using headphones. This helps to improve the psychological factors and if one is able to heal the chakras using this technique, the benefits would be clearly visible.
How to Balance Body Chakras - The Chakra Order
The chakras are the energy centers in the body, controlled by the affect of different colours. One type of chakra is influenced by the affect of a particular colour. One needs to deeply analyze which part of the chakra is not working properly. Then using the latest technology and the help of certain special frequencies, it would be possible to get to a good state of mind. In order to learn this, one needs to get some knowledge about how chakras work and experts suggestions.
seven chakras balance
A human body has seven chakras placed in its subtle within in a vertical straight line from the base of its spine to the crown of its head. These seven chakras are in essence the seven centers of energy, the receiving and transmitting points of the same which maintains the energy flow of the body and attunes it to the infinite energy of the cosmos. Chakra balance thus refers to the opening up of blocked chakras and thereby maintaining balance in the energy flow for the wholesome wellbeing of a human being.
seven chakra healing
The seven chakras are the power whorls located in our subtle within which are the receiving and transmitting centers of energy. It is the cause of our mental, physical, psychological and spiritual condition. Any physical illness or an emotional problem can thus be healed by identifying the particular chakra and thereafter opening it up and balancing the same. Learn chakra healing for wholesome wellbeing for yourself and others.
seven chakras - chakra balancing
Chakra balancing of the 7 chakras refers to the opening up of the chakras or the seven power centers in our body and balancing the energy flow thereof for your wholesome physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. The different chakra symbols, the different physical parts of the body and emotional aspects that each are linked to, the various mudras or hand positions that help to open of each is what is encompassed in chakra balancing.
What is the correct Chakra Order?
Chakra Zones meditation is all about learning the meditation techniques for opening up and balancing the energy flow of the seven chakras in the human body that is the basis for one’s physical, emotional and spiritual condition. Learn chakra meditation by learning visualizing a particular chakra symbol in the region of your body which is linked to the same along with the various hand positions and usage of powerful Sanskrit sounds for opening up the seven chakra and balancing the energy flow thereof.
chakra therapy
7 chakra therapy refers to identifying, targeting, opening up blocked ones and balancing the energy flow of the seven chakras in our body to attain wholesome health or to heal specific diseased or injured regions of one’s body. These seven chakras are placed in a straight line along the spinal cord from the base of the spine to the crown of the head which are receiving and transmitting centers of energy. Chakra therapy is thus done to balance the energy flow of our energy meridian keeping all physical problems and mental illnesses at bay.
Healing the seven chakras in human body
Performing yoga and meditation at home helps a lot in healing chakras. Chakras are the energy centers of the body which gives you pleasant look and strong life. So, it is our responsibility to make our body function well with the help of the chakras. Healing chakras is the best option for it and can make the energy flow easier.
Balance Chakra Points
It is a circle of several different colours. Each of the chakra corresponds to a separate colour. One should pay careful attention to each of this colour and the chakra. This way it would be possible to identify which of the chakra is not working. Balancing chakra is important. So by identifying at first, one can expose more of that colour into the life and thereby be able to manage the chakra. There are several methods of getting this, of which one is to listen to special frequencies using headphones. They are available at affordable prices.
Looking At The 7 Chakra
Each human body has a number of energy centers located in its subtle within, which are the seven chakra system power centers of energy reception and transmission. These seven wheel like force whorls are known as the 7 chakra coming from the Sanskrit origin of the term ‘Chakram’. It can be said that these 7 chakras are linked to the major nerve ganglia of our spinal cord and reflects not only the physical, but also the emotional, psychological and spiritual wellbeing of an individual.
The lowest on the vertical line of the 7 chakras, lie the Muladhar Chakra at the last bone in the spinal cord between the genitals and the anus. Symbolized by a red lotus with 4 petals, it is known as the Base or Root Chakra and it stands for identity, group force, survival and instinct. This chakra is about what a man is and where he belongs, his tribal or group identity. You can feel this group force when you see your country win the gold medal or while watching the national parade, hearing the national anthem and so on.
Second in line in the 7 chakras, lie the Swadhisthana Chakra symbolized by an orange lotus with 6 petals. Located in the sacrum and above the Muladhar Chakra, it is physically linked to the human reproduction system but more importantly it is all about relationship and partnerships. Becoming active around age 7, the key issues of this chakra are the aspects of the basic emotional needs of man, his pleasures and his choice making abilities.
After the Muladhar and Swadhisthana chakras for group/tribal power and power of self in relation to others, the third to compete the trilogy is that of the Manipura Chakra standing for the personal power or the concept of self.
After the trilogy of the chakra points is complete, we come to that point where the self in its body meets the spirit. The centre to the 7 chakras, the Anahata Chakra is known as the center power house of man and stands for complex emotions towards spirituality. Symbolized by a green lotus with 12 petals it is located near the heart and is physically related to it and the immune system of man. The key issues of this chakra are those of divine love, tenderness, compassion, trust, inspiration, hope and equilibrium.
The Vishuddha Chakra is the fifth amongst the 7 chakras and stands for communication, expression, growth and maturity. Symbolized by a blue lotus with 16 petals, it is located at the throat beside the thyroid gland and is known as the power of will chakra.
The white or the indigo lotus with only two petals is the Ajna Chakra or the wisdom chakra of man. Located in the forehead near the eyebrows, it is physically linked to the pineal gland which controls sleeping and waking up. One of the most crucial of the 7 chakras it stands for one’s progression on the path of opening up of one’s inner conscious and subconscious realms of the psychological forces. This chakra is all about development if the inner self, the sub conscious, the detachment of subjective perception for distinguishing between illusion and truth.
The topmost of the 7 chakras resting at the crown of one’s head is the Sahasrara Chakra. The chakra order shows an image of a vivid violet lotus with thousand petals it stands for man’s final spiritual journey towards releasing of karma and realizing his true potential. The key aspects of this chakra is all about practicing meditation and realizing the ultimate spiritual truth of existence and experiencing the immortality and omnipotence of the soul.