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Astral Projection - Experience The Incredible Sensation Of Leaving Your Body - Instantly!

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What is Astral Projection? - a astral projection Imagine what it would feel like if you could really leave your body and fly to any destination in time and space of your choice- *Imagine visiting another planet, or experiencing other dimensions and even seeing into the future or visiting the past! And What If You Could Do All This For FREE! * The possibilities are endless- Where would you choose to go to?

What would it feel like to walk through walls? Or see into the future?
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Tens of thousands of people around the world have experienced
leaving their body, and our unique Astral Projection package is so
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"It's like an incredible journey in time and space with each journey taking me to another world. Like science fiction, but real... I am so lucky to have found your site." -James Lauder NY

"I have tried other methods in the past, but your Astral Projection Kit is fantastic! Within just 12 minutes I was experiencing a feeling of leaving my body far behind. Never before has it happened to me so quickly! " -Linda Rivers, Essex UK

"What Is Astral Projection?"

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Astral Projection, often referred to as an out of body experience is when your consciousness or spirit leaves your physical body temporarily.

When you experience Astral Projection it actually feels just as real and vivid as normal reality. In fact it seems 'super-real' as your senses are heightened and you see things far more vividly than normal.

The traveller finds him- or herself in an apparently real world, or worlds, all different from each other and quite unlike anything ever experienced in our 'normal' reality.

Environments here may range from populated to unpopulated, artificial or natural in appearance, to completely abstract environments and from beautiful to bizarre.

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out of body experience definition

Here, normal physical laws often do not apply and humans can for example, float or fly or walk through walls.

Travellers as well as travelling from one realm to the other, may also visit the past or future or other dimensions.

When you experience Astral Projection, often people can see themselves still attached to their physical body by an energy connection which usually takes the appearance of a silver cord 'plugging' into the body like an umbilical cord.

The appearance of this cord shows you that you are totally safe, and are able to return to your body at any time.

Unlike a 'near death experience' when the person is suddenly surprised and alarmed at being out of their body, with Astral Projection, you are totally in control at all times and can therefore choose where to go and when to return.

"How Do You Experience Astral Projection?"

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The World's Most Powerful Astral Projection a astral projection Package!

"Experience The Incredible Sensation Of Leaving Your Body Whenever You Wish To, By Using This Awesome New Astral Projecting Kit!" 29 FREE Products! (9 Hours Of FREE Audio, 800+ pages)

There are many ways that people can experience Astral Projection and the reason why people are finding our kit so exciting is that it uses a unique combination of different cutting edge technologies which work independently and together to help you to achieve projection.

The first thing you need to do is to prepare your mind and body for Astral Projection.

To achieve this, the first part of the kit is designed to get you totally relaxed, and as you can see, these are given to you completely FREE:-

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Astral Projection Relax Primer Level 1 (10 Minutes Mp3 Audio)

Astral Projection Primer Level 2 (15 Mins Mp3 Audio)

Astral Projection Primer Level 3 (20 Mins Mp3 Audio)

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One of the important technologies we use for Astral Projection is the use of binaural beats.

Also called brainwave entrainment, this involves listening with headphones to special sound frequencies. These pure sine waves are slightly different in each ear which results in a synchronization of both of the brain's hemispheres or lobes.

Scientists have discovered, after extensive experimentation through the whole range of frequencies, that a certain combination of alpha and theta wave frequencies results in a complete consciousness shift favourable to projection.

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Using cutting edge technology we have now refined this process even further resulting in an extraordinarily fast transition from normal consciousness to the state required to achieve Astral Projection.

Some people have told us that by listening to our CD's they have achieved this state in 8-10 minutes, but the average time seems to be between 10-15 minutes.

Remember just a few years ago without this breakthrough technology, this would have been impossible to achieve unless you spent many years of meditation study.

The development of Binaural technology has made it possible for anyone to achieve astral projection just by listening to these special sound waves.

However, real success at Astral Projection does not happen by listening to only one audio. Over time it becomes unsustainable as your brain 'gets used' to hearing the same frequency pattern and gradually the effect becomes less and less. Having different recordings that all contain these special frequencies enhances your brains response.

You would usually pay $29.95 or more for each special binaural sound frequency.

But we give you 11 unique binaural recordings totally FREE!

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Astral Projection State -Frequencies (30 Mins Mp3 Audio)

Astral Projection Chant - Frequencies (30 Mins Mp3 Audio)

Astral Projection Chism - Frequencies (30 Mins Mp3 Audio)

Astral Projection Connector - Frequencies (30 Mins Mp3 Audio)

Astral Projection Dimension - Frequencies (30 Mins Mp3 Audio)

Astral Projection Drive - Frequencies (30 Mins Mp3 Audio)

Astral Projection Experience - Frequencies (30 Mins Mp3 Audio)

Astral Projection Region - Frequencies (30 Mins Mp3 Audio)

Astral Projection Rider - Frequencies (30 Mins Mp3 Audio)

Astral Projection Sea - Frequencies (30 Mins Mp3 Audio)

Astral Projection Storm - Frequencies (30 Mins Mp3 Audio)

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Advanced Astral Projection a astral projection Subliminal Affirmations Night Session (20 Minutes Mp3 Audio)

Advanced Astral Projection a astral projection Subliminal Affirmations Day Session (20 Minutes Mp3 Audio)

Advanced Astral Projection a astral projection Subliminal Affirmations Silent Session (20 Minutes Mp3 Audio)

Advanced Astral Projection a astral projection Subliminal Reverse Speech Session (20 Minutes Mp3 Audio)

Advanced Astral Projection a astral projection Subliminal Stereo Affirmations Session (20 Minutes Mp3 Audio)

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Now knowledge is power, so we also give you 8, Totally FREE Bonus eBooks containing everything you could ever need to know about Astral Projection!

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THE ASTRAL CITY- 126 page PDF eBook



JOURNEY'S OUT OF BODY - 105 page PDF eBook


THE OOBE - 177 page PDF eBook


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Finally The Guided Deep Hypnosis Sessions which will guide you through an Out of Body experience and reveal exactly what you will need to do to achieve Astral Projection a astral projection :-

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Deep Hypnosis Astral Projection Guided Session 1 (30 Minutes Mp3 Audio)

Deep Hypnosis Astral Projection Guided Session 2 (30 Minutes Mp3 Audio)

Deep Hypnosis Astral Projection Guided Session 3 (30 Minutes Mp3 Audio)

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"Whenever I want to I can just go and put on your CD and journey anywhere in time and space. I can't believe what I am experiencing, the things I have seen, the almost unbelievable things I have enjoyed. I am lost for words.." David Hearn, Sidney, Australia

Benefits of the Astral Projection include:

  • Elimination of the fear of death;
  • Knowledge and preview of life after death or before birth;
  • Increase in psychic abilities;
  • Remembering past lives and the period between lives;
  • Recall of planning and preparation for current life;
    Greater understanding of the purpose of life;
  • Enhanced meditation and consciousness expansion due to reduced physical restriction;
  • Ability to communicate with diseased loved ones and spiritual guides;
  • Greater sense of humanity and desire and ability to help others;
  • Valuing life more;
  • Leading a more purposeful, mature, ethical and humanitarian or assistantial life;
  • Fostering a gradual social renovation away from divisiveness and materialism;
  • Better preparation for inevitable physical death (less traumatic transition);
  • Finding missing persons, surveying distant physical locations (tourism, science, looking for a new house);
  • New methods of prevention, diagnosis, and remission of physical ailments;
  • Relief from restrictive physical conditions (prison, physical disability);
  • More restorative sleep

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Out Of Body Experience Research

There exists two separate schools of thought regarding out of body research who see projection of astral body as a phenomenon. These are the Mystical Model and the Phasing Model respectively which reflect two entirely distinct line of thoughts in an attempt to explain what this phenomenon is all about.

Projection of astral body as explained by the Mystical Model puts it across as a true out of body experience. Thus, the obe research of this school of thought as defined by Robert Munroe believes in the existence of astral planes as higher levels or realms that exists externally to the physical universe. Hence the soul of a man separates from that of his physical body and travels outwards and upwards to it.

Out Of Body Phenomenon

More in-depth into this line of thought, projection of astral body involves creation of this subtle energy body within oneself and thereafter projecting it outside its physical body to the higher astral planes. The astral body thus projected remains connected to the physical one by a silver, umbilical energy cord. This is defined as out of body phenomenon.

There have been numerous books written on the subject of projection of astral body. The most popular ones on the Mystical Model are those of ‘Out of Body Experiences’, ‘Astral Dynamics’ and ‘Projection of Astral Body’ written by Robert Peterson, Robert Bruce, Carrington and Muldoon respectively.

Out Of Body Stories

The Phasing Model on the other hand explains projection of astral body as not something which is an out of body experience. Thus, in other words we are told in the out of body stories that the externality factor of the Mystical Model is discarded and the astral plane and the physical existence are believed to be two points or two phases on the same continuous spectrum of consciousness.

Thus, according to out of body updates, the propounder of the Phasing Model, projection of astral body is all about projecting oneself to a different phase of consciousness and not to an external astral plane located outside one’s physical body. In short, this model ceases to explain the phenomenon as an out of body experience and is more in line to the philosophy which states external reality as man’s internally created state.

Out Of Body Updates

It must be noted that both the Phasing Model and the Mystic Model exists with their contrary beliefs and their particular set of followers but it is still unclear as to which holds good where projection of astral body is concerned. While the debate is raging on regarding whether each physical object has an astral counterpart or not, or whether spirits reincarnate into physical bodies making astral projection possible, it may also be that projection of astral body is a result of some entirely different fact.

As a conclusion it can be stated that the exact causes behind projection of astral body remains to be unearthed and proven by science. However, it can be safely said that the journey of astral travel is something that provides an individual a spiritual bent of mind through which he develops a matured and spiritual outlook towards life, death, reality and relationships.

Out Of Body Proof

Astral traveling is all about being able to separate your subtle within, or your astral self from your physical body and projecting it in order to travel to higher astral planes. Thus, it is an out of body experience where your soul leaves your body and travels to higher ethereal planes and realms of consciousness observing the world from a distance. This is the out of body proof.

Astral traveling can be achieved by attaining a deep trance like state through basic Meditational practices. Essentially you should try to mimic the REM sleep mode which is the last phase of our sleep cycle characterized by rapid eye movement and intense brain activity. Relax your body so as to make it go to sleep while intensely concentrating to keep your mind wakeful and focused. Visualize yourself floating out of your body or use a prop like a rope to see yourself climb out if required and direct all your energies to energize this vision in order to manifest it in reality.

Out Of Body Quotes

The main problem with out of body quotes in astral traveling is leaving your body in the first place. That is, even the slightest of self doubt will not yet your physical body leave your astral self. Remember that only with complete faith and belief in yourself would you be able to achieve it. Constantly thinking about whether your actions are working or not will never let you leave your physical body.

The second issue according to out of body news in astral traveling happens when you have been able to leave your physical body behind and are traveling upward. Remember that even the slightest of apprehensions in your mind regarding whether you are traveling too far out or not, or whether you would be able to return back will result in a sudden ‘sucking –in’ of your astral body by your physical body and you shall wake up suddenly. Remember to be calm, peaceful and fearless and having full faith on yourself in order to enjoy this one in a lifetime experience of astral traveling.

Out Of Body Documentary - Is It Really Possible?

Our soul or the astral body within defines what we are actually and the real purpose of our life in true sense of the term. The inner self needs us to realize its presence and perceive that our normal day to day schedule does not complete us. It is our immortal soul that makes us know the purpose of our existence. Thus according to the out of body documentary, learn astral projection for treading on a magnificent path towards an out of the world experience which would take you beyond the boundaries of the physical universe to a higher astral plane.

Learn astral projection by learning to separate our inner self from the physical form in order to view the entire world around us and also our own body from a divine level of self consciousness. This is thus the journey of our immortal soul to a different dimension of focus and thought process where in the former is projected to higher celestial planes and hence our inner self is able to visualize everything around it with the inner eyesight thus making way for a fascinating experience in the end.

Out Of Body History

The holy men of yester years were believed to successfully practice astral projection. They used to stay in remote caves in mountains and were able to project their inner self to places of their wish while the body was in the same state of extreme focus and concentration as it is under the effect of extreme meditational practices. These out of body history men were able to use the sub-conscious part of the brain to levels that an ordinary man cannot even dream of and all this by following advanced meditational techniques.

In order to learn astral projection there are some basic steps that one needs to follow before actually starting of. The first step being getting hold of a quiet room with a dim light. Then the person trying to practice must wear comfortable clothes in which he or she can relax. Then we must take deep breathes and clear our minds of any anxiety, anguish or negative thoughts and ultimately need to desperately calm down and relax.

Out Of Body Proof

We must start with meditation but our main motive must be to think that our inner self is separating from the physical form and then strongly focus on the same. This extreme focus in turn will let our energies to converge on the thought and stir it up.

The big ball of light theory can also be another method of practicing astral projection wherein the person focuses on the fact that his or her inner self separates from the physical body and moves straight into the light emitted. A crop can also be used where it is thought as a rope which helps the soul to cling on to the former and ultimately separate from the body. The physical form will always try to cling on to our inner self and will never voluntarily let the latter separate from it. One must strive hard at this juncture to ultimately separate it.

Obe Research

If we are too much trouble our brain about the consequences of our astral projection, this thoughts tend to create difficulties in the practice. For example it shows in obe research that if we are afraid about the fact that if we will be able to return to our body once projected will eventually pull the inner self back to body and the individual will return to senses with a shake. As a result we need to belief in whatever we do and this would ultimately help us to remove the obstacles that prevent from practicing astral projection.

Technology can also help us in practicing astral projection. It does so with the help of binaural beats that is a form of sound that is passed into our brain to create a suitable state for projection. We may conclude by stating that fears in ones mind and the absence of faith can prevent from successful astral projection. So in order to experience this magnificent journey one must free his or her mind of the fears of consequences.

Out Of Body Experience Definition

Out of body experience is defined as the state in which a person undergoes the feeling of floating outside his physical body. It is said as a scientific phenomenon which has been experienced as very near to death by some astral viewers. So this out of body experience definition concept of feeling the body out of its original sphere is termed as an astral projection or as the astral travel.

According to history astral travel or out of body projection has been reported to be identified in 1943, before that it was called in more belief-centric term as “projection.” In earlier days this term was considered as similar as spirit walking, but recent researches by scientists reveal the fact that it’s not imaginary. People who described it as a near death experience often explained the surroundings where his or her corpse was lying.

Out Of Body Forum

An average of one out of ten shows the tendency to astral travel or getting the feeling of out of body. Thus on the complete basis the no. of people experiencing this is very large and one cannot take this factor into scepticism. Some people, according to the out of body forum, experience this feeling of out of body at certain instances like due to sudden mental or physical trauma, inducing certain psychedelic drugs or even due to the entry into a world of trance or coma.

For achieving a success in your life and getting a smooth astral travel one can at first search for its criteria and details in different informative zones like internet and magazines publishing about out of body experience. Astral projection is not a very difficult task to achieve into life, one should know particularly about the ways to bring it under control. It is a natural process used by ancients too.

Out Of Body Research

But whatever the ways followed or techniques applied one needs to concentrate and focus on the point where he is trying to get into. Outer world and other extensions will constantly pull him back from focusing. Out of body experience research shows this is his subconscious fear of not returning back to the body.

As one reaches the out of body experience with rapid vibrations and heart beats, then one is surely going to feel the physical body out of his original state of mind. In reality it is because at this instant one auto-suggests himself that he has already faced the experience that he is facing now. This is a way to success.

Out Of Body Experience Research

As soon as one reaches silence and mental peace, meditation needs to be started as well as self hypnosis to undergo a successful astral projection or out of body experience. Out of body news explains as one thinks positively that he will surely receive the state of astral world.

Next step is to lie down in a place where he feels like getting peace or away from the awareness’s. After getting this zone he needs to start breathing deeply, focusing to let the aura mix up with that of Mother Nature.

As an inference it can be stated that out of body is one of the way which depends on your power of concentration and your way of observing things you are determining to get the out of body. Thus, if one believes in the idea that he can project into astral world, one should seriously continue with it, if he believes he can do, then he can surely do it.

Out Of Body Phenomenon

Out of body stories is defined as the sensation for pursuing the body outside the regular domains of life. It’s a floating sensation where the pursuer receives signals of light trance and hypnotism. This theory is also stated as the phenomenon of astral travel or astral projection.

The phenomenon was first observed in 1943 by G.N.M Tyrell in his book Apparitions. At certain instances this phenomenon is shown to occur continuously, whereas in certain others it is said to appear abruptly with the sudden appearance of similar symptoms of trauma or trance. Few people take this as a form of death’s door experiences because they described themselves lying dead in a room.

Out Of Body Updates

The statistics of this people is very high. About one in ten perceives to this out of body at certain instances of their life or the other. So one cannot take it as a matter of scepticism. Out of body is brought about by many other conditions like when a person is suffering great physical or mental trauma and depression. Also use of psychedelic drugs state of trance brings out of body.

Out of body quotes show obe is said to occur in between the borderline of REM sleep and awaking state. It sometimes mingles with the sensory input. Astral projection is a simple task that can be achieved and incorporated very easily into life. It is a very traditional and natural process followed by ancients.

Out Of Body Experience Definition

Several types of out of body are as follows: the very common one is the spontaneous or regular ones which occur frequently during sleep hours, near death experience where there is visualization of severe physical trauma or major drowning. Other one is induced out of body.

Out Of Body Forum

The out of body includes several induction techniques to control the experience. The very crucial one is mental induction under which the central preceptor area is forced to undergo a sleep paralysis. Deep trance, meditation, and visualization are the way for mental induction. The second procedure is mechanical induction or compelled with machinery. The utilization of artificial tools like brainwave synchronisation through audio/visual stimulatory effect forms the major portion of mechanical induction.

Out Of Body News

Chemical induction includes usage of important chemicals like ketamine, dextromethorphan, phencyclidine; galantamine is a no tropic that increases the chances of out of body and lucidity. It generally uses the concept of hallucination.

But before every other tool the basic one is to gain mental peace and stability for attaining the momentum or concentration. Thus according to the out of body documentary, in order to go through a successful astral projection, he needs to try to think positively. Once the brain takes over surely, then he is going to find success of responding to the thoughts of out of body.

Out Of Body Questions

Thus an out of body is a great way to achieve journey to a new exciting world of astral travel. In answering the out of body questions, it is a way to initiate quick and compact involvement of human brain leaving behind the physical body in his exciting astral journey, and then he can easily conclude that he is surely going to achieve success.
out of body questions